Health, Safety, & Special Help
For your health and safety –
Be sure to prominently display your correct house number so that it can
easily be seen from the road by emergency personnel.
Thurman Fire Company, Inc
To report a fire, dial 911.
The Thurman Volunteer Fire Company was organized by a group of local volunteers, who built the firehouse in 1955. It has been a growing organization within the community since then, helping to prevent loss of life and property during fire and other hazardous conditions. The organization also works toward public safety awareness and holds monthly drills. The fire company meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the firehouse, 368 Athol Road, Athol. The meetings are open to the public. The group welcomes new members. Applications are approved by the membership and successful applicants must complete a basic firefighting course within one year.

Thurman has several programs in place to help residents with special needs.
Senior Citizens’ Bus
A bus is available one day each week to pick up Thurman senior citizens at their homes and transport them to the Glens Falls area to do their errands and shopping. There is no charge for this service.
Thurman Town Hall Food Pantry
The food pantry is open on the first Monday of the month at 1pm, unless there is a holiday, and on Tuesdays from 9-11am during the remaining weeks of the month.
This is a free food distribution program for Thurman residents. Food needs to be picked up at the Town Hall at 1pm on the first Monday of the month unless there is a holiday.
Meals on Wheels
Anyone wishing to arrange for delivery of hot noontime meal to a senior citizen may call the Warren County Office for the Aging, 761-6347.
Lower Adirondack Search and Rescue