Town Justice

Sheila Flanagan became Town Justice in January 2013. She presides over town court, which convenes at the Town Hall, 311 Athol Road, Athol NY.

Court will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month (except legal holidays), starting at 2:00 p.m. or by prior appointment.

Court office hours are temporarily by appointment only.                                    All court dates and court office hours are subject to change.

Town Court Phone number: 518-623-9660

Town Court Fax number: 518-623-9678

Mailing address: Thurman Town Court  PO Box 134  Athol, NY 12810

Thurman Town Court e-mail: [email protected]

A drop box for the court is located in the vestibule of the Town Hall. Calling the Judge or Court Clerk at home to discuss any court business is strictly prohibited.